
Dr. 劳拉Aversano

在完成了她在冰碛谷的教育后. Aversano earned bachelor’s degrees from Saint Xavier University and the University of Illinois at Chicago, 毕业于斯科茨代尔牙科中心. She began her career as an associate general dentist in Downers Grove and Oak Lawn, and now is practice owner and general dentist at Manhattan Dental Care in Manhattan. She is an active participant in Operation Care Package sending boxes of dental supplies for soldiers, has a candy drive for local children to bring in bags of candy to send to the troops, and got her patients involved in making blankets to send to hospital patients. Dr. Aversano was named 2014 Business of the Year by the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce.


伊莱恩Echols is a court-appointed special advocate for children with CASA of Cook County. She earned her Associate in Applied Science degree at Moraine Valley in criminal justice. 她一直是美国红十字会的志愿者, 美国癌症协会, 天主教慈善机构, 星网第五区虐待儿童特别照顾办事处, and serves as a consumer advisory council member for Metropolitan Health Services. 此外,她一直是山的长期导师. 锡安FHM教会的导师计划, 和梦想上大学的年轻女性一起工作, 变得独立和成功.


在冰碛谷获得副学士学位后, michelleGerrity went on to complete a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering with a biomedical concentration from Bradley University, where she served as president of the Society of Automotive Engineers. She works as an automotive safety engineer for Honda Research and Development and participates in the Honda STEM mentoring program, as well as the township community volunteer day in Ohio where she lives. 盖瑞蒂获得的荣誉包括一项杰出学者奖, 服务奖, STEM奖学金, 作为毕业典礼的荣誉司仪, plus在本田的原型开发得到了认可. She also created the michelleGerrity Engineering Scholarship at Moraine Valley.


詹姆斯·霍弗’s career took him from a nondestructive testing engineer for McDonnell Douglas and a senior NDT engineer scientist for Boeing to president of Aerohoff Inspection Services. After earning an Associate in Applied Science degree in nondestructive evaluation, he went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in aviation maintenance and NDE at Lewis University and a master’s degree in business administration from Pepperdine University. 他获得了许多证书和荣誉, including a candidate nomination for the MDC Future VP Program at Boeing, 两次银鹰奖, an Atlas Award (B1 Bomber) and a nominee for the Boeing C-17 Moose Award. 在业余时间, 霍弗一直是女子足球的志愿教练, 少年棒球联盟, 波普华纳足球, 还有女子垒球.


马克Patoska serves as a senior research associate for the Civic Federation, Chicago. 他是一名退伍军人,曾在美国军队服役.S. 海军,也是蓝岛市的市议员, where he served as the chair of the Finance Committee and as a member of the Community Development Committee. He also was a public safety officer for Metro South Medical Center in Blue Island. 从冰碛谷毕业后, Patoska earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Dominican University and a Master of Public 政府 from DePaul University. 他曾获得德怀特大学颁发的杰出校友奖. 蓝岛的艾森豪威尔高中, and was a keynote speaker at the Pi Alpha Alpha Honor Society induction ceremony at DePaul University.

Jeffrey Swoboda

Jeffrey Swoboda is the 34th police chief of the Elgin 警察 Department, 他在那里管理着250多名宣誓就职和文职人员. He worked his way up through the ranks from a police officer assigned to the city’s Resident Office Program, 他工作和生活的地方是埃尔金犯罪率最高的地区之一, 领导埃尔金的帮派和毒品小组, 并担任副局长. Chief Swoboda earned a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from Aurora University and a master’s degree in administration of law enforcement from Western Illinois University. He also has completed executive training at Northwestern University, 圣母大学, and through the Federal Bureau of Investigations and the Senior Management Institute for 警察. 他是伊利诺斯州警察局长协会的成员, 国际警察局长协会, 埃尔金的男孩女孩俱乐部, 凯恩县警察局长, 及国际扶轮社.


从冰碛谷毕业后, 马克-韦伯 went on to earn a bachelor’s degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He was a student commencement speaker at Moraine Valley and a member of the men’s cross country team. He served for more than four years as a trustee for the Moraine Valley 校董会 and as Governor on the governing body for the Harris Academy Falconwood primary school in Greater London. 韦伯是安永会计师事务所的高级顾问 & 年轻的, a budget analyst for the State of Illinois Office of Management and Budget, 目前是埃森哲管理咨询公司的经理. 他已经完成了超过12个半程马拉松, 一次全程马拉松和多次5到10公里, 并筹集了20多美元,为埃森哲慈善合作伙伴关系筹集了5000万美元. 乞力马扎罗山和徒步旅行. 珠峰大本营.