新生之后要参加分班考试 申请入学 并且必须根据学位完成安置要求, 证书, 或者他们当然打算注册. Please note that all Degree-Seeking students must complete placement requirements before registering for courses, and all students must satisfy course prerequisites before registering in a specific course. All placement testing taken at the Palos Hills location occurs in the college’s Testing Center, 位于G幢, 231房间.

分班测试提供全年,周一至周六预约. 请致电(708)974-5309预约.

Placement testing is also available at the 澳门网上真人赌博官网 and the 位于Tinley Park的西南教育中心 (SWEC) locations. 查询时间和信息, 直接拨打每个站点:蓝岛(708)974-5300或SWEC (708) 974-5400.

Placement tests are required for all 程度上寻求 students, some Certificates (please see 这个列表 欲知详情), and for any student seeking to register in a course that has a placement prerequisite (such as English Composition, 数学, 以及许多其他课程). 学生在修完冰碛谷课程后才能参加分班考试 入学申请.

Students may be exempted from all, or portions of the placement test based on SAT/ACT scores. 关于SAT/ACT成绩的更多信息如下. 有大学学分的学生, 美联社分数, IB分数, and/or State Seal of Biliteracy should send a copy of their documents for review through the Prerequisite Override Form, 或到S楼的学术咨询处查询, 房间S201. Any coursework that meets college-level placement will be entered as an exemption so the student will not need to complete that portion of the placement test.

冰碛谷考试中心提供数学分班考试(ALEKS), 以及阅读, 通信, 和强化英语(Accuplacer).  ALEKS和Accuplacer考试在考试中心的电脑上进行.

Accuplacer考试平均需要一个小时才能完成.  ALEKS考试通常需要60-90分钟才能完成.  Students taking both Accuplacer and ALEKS at a single visit should plan to spend a minimum of 2 ½ hours testing.  分班考试的成绩在考试后立即公布.

如果你之前获得过大学学分, 你可以免除部分或全部分班考试. Submit a college transcript showing a “C” or better in a college-level (101 or higher) English composition/rhetoric course and/or mathematics course to the Academic 建议 Center at advising@iscofe.net.

All placement exam scores and ACT/SAT/GED exam scores are considered valid for placement for 18 months from the date of the exam. Other placement measures – such as high school GPA and high school course completion exemptions – are considered valid for placement for 18 months from the date of high school graduation or course completion.

Students who score a 480 or above on the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing portion of the SAT test are exempt from the Reading and Writing portion of the placement test. Students who score a 520 or above on the SAT math test are exempt from the mathematics portion of the placement test.

ACT英语成绩20分或以上, reading and/or mathematics may be used in place of some or all of the placement tests. Students who score a 19 or above in English and reading are exempt from the English/reading placement test. Students who score a 20 or above in mathematics are exempt from the mathematics placement test.

获得实习豁免, students should bring a copy of their SAT and/or ACT score report to the Records Office located in Building S, S111室或发邮件至 transcripts@iscofe.net.

高中未加权累计绩点3分.从7到0或更高th 高中学期或以后的成绩单.

Submit official high school transcript to the Records office (Room S-111) for processing.

GED成绩达到或超过165分. Submit official high school transcript to the Records office (Room S-111) for processing.

高中未加权累计绩点3分.0 or higher from a final high school transcript, including successful completion of 4th year of math. Submit official high school transcript to the Records office (Room S-111) for processing.

完成数学过渡课程,成绩达到C或更高. Submit official high school transcript to the Records office (Room S-111) for processing.

GED成绩达到或超过165分. Submit official high school transcript to the Records office (Room S-111) for processing.

Accuplacer和ALEKS是基于网络的计算机适应考试.  Exam questions are selected and the level of item difficulty is adjusted for each individual student based on the student’s answers as the student progresses through the exam.

ACCUPLACER阅读测试旨在评估学生的阅读理解能力. 确定主旨, 二次/支持的想法, 推理, 应用程序, 用20个选择题测试句子关系. 测试结果将决定学生在MVCC阅读(RDG)课程中的位置.  Students may be required to complete developmental reading courses in addition to regular college-credit courses.

The Accuplacer Writing Test is designed to assess students’ ability to revise and edit a range of prose texts for effective expression of ideas and for conformity to the conventions of Standard Written English sentence structure, 使用, 和标点符号.  测试包含25个选择题.  Results of the test will determine student placement in MVCC English composition (COM) courses. Students may be required to complete developmental composition courses prior to enrolling in a college-level composition course.

The Accuplacer IEL Test is designed to assess the academic English ability of students for whom English is a second or other language. IEL测试包括两个部分:IEL语法和IEL阅读. Students may be placed into one or more of several Moraine Valley IEL courses based on the specific combination of section scores.

ALEKS评估涵盖了从整数开始的广泛的数学主题, 分数和小数通过几何, 线性方程, 指数, 和三角.  Each student starts with a question of average difficulty and is then presented with selected questions and levels of difficulty determined by the student’s answers to previous questions.  考试包括多达25个问题. 

在评估结束时, 学生将收到一份显示评估分数的分数报告, 以及相应的MVCC数学(MTH)课程安排.  The student is also invited to work in a custom-tailored program of study (ALEKS Prep & 学习),基于学生个人的优势和劣势.  

冰碛谷强烈鼓励学生准备他们的分班考试, 这样做有几个选择:


分班考试的成绩报告在考试后立即提供.  学生将收到他们的ALEKS和Accuplacer分数的打印副本, 连同对课程安排的解释.

数学、阅读和写作的课程安排如下 上市的在线.

是的, 学生可以在每个学科领域进行一次复试, 亚历克斯数学再考两次, 前提是学生尚未开始相应的课程顺序.

课程安排将以取得的最高分为准.  复测不收取额外费用.


All placement exam scores and ACT/SAT/GED exam scores are considered valid for placement for 18 months from the date of the exam.  Other placement measures – such as High School GPA and High School course completion exemptions – are considered valid for placement for 18 months from the date of high school graduation or course completion.