冰碛谷提供了一个独特的综合堆叠程序,让学生快速进入劳动力市场. 从供暖和空调证书开始,为你提供开始工作的技能,同时推进你的教育.

学生可以完成供暖和空调领域的一系列证书,结合一些额外的选修课程,将获得应用科学副学士学位(a.A.S.) degree in Stationary Engineering. Most certificates can be completed in as little as two semesters.  学习基础知识或进入更多的技术专业,这将增加你在未来雇主面前的市场竞争力.

加热 and Air Conditioning

加热, air conditioning, 制冷机械和安装人员——通常被称为暖通空调技术人员——负责加热, 通风, 控制建筑物温度和空气质量的冷却和制冷系统.


  • Install, clean, and maintain HVACR systems
  • Install electrical components and wiring
  • Inspect and test HVACR systems and components
  • Discuss system malfunctions with customers
  • Repair or replace worn or defective parts
  • Recommend maintenance to improve system performance
  • Keep records of work performed

The certificates offered are stackable and can result in an A.A.S. in stationary engineering. 

Gainful 就业 Disclosures – 2019

 This program will cost $9,220 if completed within normal time.  There may be additional costs for living expenses. These costs were accurate at the time of posting, but may have changed.

Of the students who completed this program within normal time, the typical graduate leaves with N/A* of debt.

*Fewer than 10 students completed this program within normal time. 为了保护学生的隐私,这个数字被隐瞒了.


For more information about graduation rates, loan repayment rates, 有关本校及其他大专院校的入读后收入,请按此: http://collegescorecard.ed.gov/

就业 of 加热, air conditioning, 从2021年到2031年,制冷机械和安装人员预计将增长5%, as fast as the average for all occupations. 商业和住宅建筑预计将推动就业增长, and job opportunities for HVACR technicians are expected to be good.

来源: U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics

该证书课程为学生开始作为一名采暖员的职业生涯做准备, air conditioning, and refrigeration mechanic, 安装程序, or service representative. 通过获得这个可堆叠的证书,在短短两个学期内开始工作.

可堆叠证书允许你通过额外的学分获得额外的证书, 给你自由开始你的职业生涯,同时继续推进你的选择. 通过获得HAC系列的下一个证书,让你对未来的雇主更有吸引力. 供暖和空调证书可以通过一个额外的学期来完成. 

供暖和空调证书为已经完成基本空调技术员证书或目前在该领域作为空调技术员工作的个人提供额外的技能. This certificate can be completed in one semester.

高级空调技师证书可以在获得采暖空调证书后完成. 它由四门课程组成,可以在一个学期内完成,也可以在两个学期内完成.

This program prepares the student for an advanced career as a 加热, air conditioning, and refrigeration mechanic, 安装程序, or service representative.

Career Connections Program

This program qualifies for up to $8,000 in tuition assistance.



  • Basic Air Conditioning Technician 证书
  • 加热 and Air Conditioning 证书
  • Advanced Air Conditioning 证书

Stationary Engineer

HAC固定工程师证书是为对固定工程师领域的监督角色感兴趣的个人设计的. This certificate consists of:

  • Basic Air Conditioning Technician 证书
  • 加热 and Air Conditioning 证书
  • Advanced Air Conditioning Technician 证书
  • Electrical Troubleshooting 证书
  • com - 101
  • com - 103
  • m - 120
  • ims - 115

This certificate is stackable and once completed, 学生可以参加额外的通识教育课程来完成他们的a.A.S. degree in Stationary Engineering. 

Gainful 就业 Disclosures – 2019

Program 名字: HAC Stationary Engineer - 证书

This program is designed to be completed in 12 months.

This program will cost $9,220 if completed within normal time. There may be additional costs for living expenses. These costs were accurate at the time of posting, but may have changed.

Of the students who completed this program within normal time, the typical graduate leaves with N/A* of debt.

*Fewer than 10 students completed this program within normal time. 为了保护学生的隐私,这个数字被隐瞒了.


For more information about graduation rates, loan repayment rates, 有关本校及其他大专院校的入读后收入,请按此: http://collegescorecard.ed.gov/

的一个.A.S. 固定工程师计划在冰碛谷准备学生在工业维修机械领域的职业生涯. 任何供暖和空调证书都将被视为本学位的学分. 

Stationary engineers service air conditioning, 加热, and 通风 systems in industrial and commercial buildings. As a stationary engineer, your job is to maintain the 通风, 加热, and air conditioning systems in structures like malls, warehouses or manufacturing plants. You will monitor and control the operation of boilers, 冷却装置, condensers and other machinery used in these temperature control systems. 你也可能被要求修理磨损的轴承或更换腐蚀的垫圈. 日常职责可能包括测试通过锅炉或空调系统的水循环,并检查确保设备正常运行.

从2016年到2026年,固定工程师和锅炉操作员的就业预计将增长5%, about as fast as the average for all occupations. Those with apprenticeship training should have the best job opportunities.

来源: U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics

Program Details

Program 名字Type of CredentialCurriculum CodeDepartment or Division
Advanced Air Conditioning Tech证书1454Mechanical Technologies
Basic Air Conditioning Tech证书1453Mechanical Technologies
HAC Stationary Engineer证书1326Mechanical Technologies
加热 and Air Conditioning证书1215Mechanical Technologies
Stationary EngineerA.A.S.1329Mechanical Technologies



Start your admission application

Konnor Parrish (Oak Lawn), 在伊利诺伊州项目领导会议的小组讨论中分享了他的教育之旅.


Search available scholarships


Contact the program coordinator Joe Adeszko.