院前紧急医疗服务的出现产生了对专业培训的需求, highly qualified health care workers to deliver specialized care.

冰碛谷的紧急医疗服务计划是为那些想进入公共或私营部门作为紧急医疗技术人员的个人提供的. 对于火灾科学领域的人来说,这也可以是另一条职业道路. EMS-101和护理人员计划的目的是为学生准备满足伊利诺伊州公共卫生部(IDPH)的许可要求.

Emergency Medical Services Associate in Applied Science Degree (A.A.S.)

As the medical field expands and brings new career opportunities, the emphasis on advanced education continues to grow. By completing the EMT and Paramedic training, you are well on your way to receiving your Associate Degree. 在额外的27个大学学分后,你将获得紧急医疗服务A.A.S. 学位.

Emergency Medical Technician (EMS-101)

The EMS-101 course includes:

50 hours of clinical experience, including 24 hours in an emergency room, 24 hours in ambulance ride time, and 2 hours in a cadaver lab.

The sites used for the clinical component of EMS-101 are:

  • Little Company of Mary Hospital
  • Northwestern Medicine Palos Hospital

Upon the completion of EMS-101, 学生有资格参加国家紧急医疗技术人员注册考试或伊利诺伊州紧急医疗技术人员考试. 最后, after passing either examination, the student is licensed as an emergency medical technician, who is then able to provide basic life support care in Illinois.



Before entering the paramedic certificate program, students must complete the 8-credit hour EMS-101, emergency medical technician course.


Paramedic 证书 Program

根据伊利诺伊州公共卫生紧急医疗服务法,35学分的护理人员证书课程准备紧急医疗技术员,以满足执照标准,成为一名高级生命支持提供者. 该项目由基督医院和医疗中心与冰碛谷社区学院合作提供. 

  • EMT-P,护理人员证书课程在基督医疗中心举行.
  • ems - 102, ems - 103, ems - 104, ems - 233, 和EMS-237在基督医院和医疗中心教授.
  • 该计划的申请是向基督医疗中心的院前护理中心提出的.

After completion of the Paramedic courses and final exam, 学生有资格参加伊利诺伊州护理人员考试. 必须通过考试才能获得护理人员执照.

从2021年到2031年,紧急医疗技术人员(emt)和护理人员的就业预计将增长7%, as fast as the average for all occupations. 紧急情况, 比如车祸, 自然灾害, 以及暴力行为, will continue to require the skills of EMTs and paramedics.

来源: U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics

Emergency Medical Technician
不需要申请紧急医疗技术员(EMT)级别, all you need to do is register for EMS-101.


申请基督医疗中心(ACMC)提供的护理人员教育项目, 您需要访问网站并在 ACMC 护理人员计划.

Coordinator at (708) 684-5979.

 Physical Requirements

  • 全天持续使用双手的数字精细运动技能.
  • 看得足够清楚,可以阅读手写和电脑生成的通信.
  • 听得足够清楚,能够接受来自事故指挥官的口头命令和来自急诊室人员广播的电子生成命令.
  • Work standing on their feet for the majority of the day.
  • 在一天的大部分时间里,快速地往返于服务地点.
  • 把病人抬到轮床上、救护车上,以及上下楼梯间.
  • Write and speak to patients, peers, and 工作人员 effectively.
  • 与病人、医生、同事和主管进行适当的互动.
  • Use good judgment to seek assistance when needed.
  • Lift a minimum of 50 pounds unassisted.
  • 运用在项目中学到的安全和感染控制标准,为患者保持一个安全和清洁的环境, 工作人员, 和自我.
  • 能够处理紧张的情况,保持冷静,并优先考虑病人的治疗.
  • 能够在极端和危险的条件下工作,包括黑暗, 热, 冷, 湿, and very small spaces.

Required Course Materials

  • 为EMS-101所购买的书籍也可作为护理人员培训的参考文本. 
  • 听诊器:听诊器的价格在10美元到20美元之间,可以在书店买到.
  • 制服:制服要求包括一件冰碛谷社区学院EMS学生polo衫, 海军蓝码头工人休闲裤, 封闭式的, non-skid black shoes, black socks and a watch with the ability to count seconds.

ems - 101 (EMT)

Once students have completed all the requirements: 

  • 医学考试
  • 药物的屏幕
  • 免疫接种
  • Criminal background check
  • HIPAA培训
  • 心肺复苏的培训
  • High school diploma verification
  • Bloodborne pathogens training
  • Hospital security quizzes

Students will then be assigned to clinical rotations. 学生将在EMS-101课程的后半学期获得临床经验.

The clinical rotations total 50 hours and include the following assignments: 24 hours in an emergency room; 8 hours in obstetrics; 24 hours of ambulance "ride-along" time; and 2 hours in a cadaver lab.

临床作业在整个学期错开,并按先到顺序安排, 标间

(ems - 102, ems - 103, ems - 104, ems - 233, EMS-237):拥护基督医院护理人员计划的临床培训地点将在接受该计划后进行讨论.

Clinical Requirements
Before clinical can be assigned, 学生必须向EMS项目协调员提供以下要求的文件: 

  • CPR for Health Care Provider Training: 尚未获得心肺复苏术认证的学生必须在EMS-101期间单独获得心肺复苏术认证. Costs for 心肺复苏的培训 range from $75-$100. 冰碛谷通过学院的劳动力发展和社区服务部提供基本生命支持CPR课程. The course number is AH8-039. For more information on CPR for Health care Providers, please contact Aurora Zwick, Workforce Development, at (708) 974-5735. 学生需要承担心肺复苏术培训的费用.
  • History and Physical: 学生必须进行身体检查,为临床训练做准备. 体检费用由学生自理, and all of the immunizations, 血液测试, and tuberculosis tests specified on the physical examination form. 学生历史和体格表包含在课程包中.
  • 医疗保险: 冰碛谷社区学院要求学生在临床轮转期间携带个人健康保险. 公共援助, 由于配偶或父母的保险政策而扩大的保险范围, and MVCC student insurance are acceptable.
  • 毒品屏幕: 学生将被要求提交并完成临床分配前的药物筛选. 不成功完成药物筛选要求的学生将被禁止接受临床分配. 学生不得在同一学期内重复一次未通过的药物检查. Students may take the drug screen at the facility of their choice, 然而, the drug screen must be a 10-panel drug screen. 药物筛选的结果必须邮寄或传真给项目协调员. 学生不能直接将药物筛选的结果交给他们的导师. Cost: approximately $30.
  • Criminal Background Checks: 遵守某些州法规和/或临床合作协议, students must complete a criminal background check. 犯罪背景调查申请表包含在课程包中. 背景调查的费用必须支付给出纳办公室. The cost is $27, subject to change without notice. 有关犯罪背景申请程序的信息将在第一天上课时解释. 完成犯罪背景调查的截止日期将由项目协调员宣布.
  • Verification of High School Completion:学生必须提交高中毕业证明. 外国成绩单必须经过正式评估,以确定你的教育水平是否相当于美国的高中文凭. 要核实你的外国成绩单,请致电冰碛谷社区学院 International Student Affairs 部门在(708)974-5334要求预约有你的成绩单评估. 评估过程可能会很长,所以请尽快开始. 允许学生选择临床地点与等待外国成绩单评估, 但在整个过程完成之前不能毕业.

Clinical Assignment Locations
参加ems - 101 (EMT)的学生将被分配到玛丽小公司医院的临床轮转, Northwestern Medicine Palos Hospital, and several fire departments in the Chicago's south suburbs. 临床作业是在学生完成他们的医疗保健要求后分配的,先到先得, 标间. The sooner a student completes all requirements, 学生就越有可能选择临床日期/时间


  • Emergency Medical Technician: After passing the examination, 根据伊利诺伊州公共卫生紧急医疗服务法,学生获得紧急医疗技术员执照,提供基本的生命支持.
  • 护理人员: 根据伊利诺伊州公共卫生紧急医疗服务法,35学时的课程准备紧急医疗技术人员,以满足作为高级生命支持提供者或护理人员的许可标准.

Can I take any coursework before entering the program?

I already possess my EMT Paramedic 证书 P. Can I receive college credit for that certificate?
是的, you may apply for proficiency credit for ems - 102, 103, 104, 233, and 237 through the Academic Outreach Department in L 244.


Commission on 认证 of Allied Health Education 项目
Clearwater, FL 33756

辅助医务人员培训方案得到了伊利诺伊州公共卫生部的批准, Division of Emergency Medical Services.

Illinois Department of Public Health
Springfield, IL 62761


程序名证书类型课程代码Department or Division
Emergency Medical ServicesA.A.S.1332健康科学
Emergency Medical Services证书1320健康科学
Emergency Medical Technician证书1333健康科学



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Konnor Parrish (Oak Lawn), 在伊利诺伊州项目领导会议的小组讨论中分享了他的教育之旅.


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