该课程为学生在信息技术领域的职业生涯做好准备. Graduates qualify for information systems support staff positions such as applications trainers; technical support; software support; and database, 网络和编程应用培训生.

学生可以专攻信息技术领域, 包括数据库, 网络, 或者应用浓度. 学生将使用最先进的技术来完成他们的课程.

Students with work experience and advanced skills should contact the internship coordinator for assessment and course substitution information. Students without prerequisite skills are expected to take the necessary additional courses. An important feature of this program is the internship component where students seek on-the-job training in a professional setting. Students wishing to enroll in the internship should contact the internship coordinator prior to enrollment.





该课程为学生在信息技术领域的职业生涯做好准备. Graduates qualify for information systems support staff positions such as applications trainers; technical support; software support; and database, 网络和编程应用培训生.

就业 of computer and information technology occupations is projected to grow 15% from 2021 to 2031, 比所有职业的平均水平快得多. 这些职业预计将增加约682,800个新工作岗位. 对这些员工的需求将源于对云计算的进一步重视, 集合, 以及大数据的存储, 以及信息安全.

来源: U.S. 美国劳工部劳工统计局



该课程为学生提供基本的编程和数据库技能. 它可以作为计划从事技术职业的学生的基础, 加强其他学科的研究, 或者是在简历上增加技术证书的一种方式.

本课程培养学生的编程技能, 当与学位结合使用时, provide the background for entry-level or trainee positions or enhance an information technology professional’s versatility and career advancement potential.

C# is a language similar to C++ and Java while utilizing a drag-and-drop development environment more commonly found in Visual Basic. 其结果是一个允许桌面快速开发的工具, 掌上电脑, 使用最先进的面向对象技术的数据驱动网络应用程序. 在本证书的课程范围内, you will learn the latest in software 设计 and development methodologies while gaining hands-on experience with the latest versions of Visual C#.

本课程培养学生的编程技能, 当与学位结合使用时, provide the background for entry-level or trainee positions or enhance an information technology professional’s versatility and career advancement potential.

因为Java是为因特网设计的, it has been a popular choice for writing programs that are platform independent and safe. Java在网络编程和网络开发中仍然很流行. 最近, object-oriented features in the language have made Java a competitive option for writing stand-alone applications. 在本证书的课程范围内 you will learn the latest in software 设计 and development methodologies while gaining hands-on experience with the latest versions of Java.

本课程培养学生的编程技能, 结合学位和行业经验, 提供入门级或培训软件开发职位的背景. Information technology professionals may also pursue this program to enhance their versatility and career advancement potential.

在本证书的课程范围内, students will gain hands-on experience using at least two programming languages — selecting from C#, Java, iOS, 安卓, 和Visual Basic. 软件开发生命周期问题——包括解决方案概念, 设计, 实现, and testing — are addressed with hands-on experiences using the latest hardware and software development tools. 学生通过从数据库中进行选择来扩展他们的知识广度, 网页设计/开发, 电子商务, 以及Microsoft Office应用集成课程选项.


This program prepares students with skills to build and administer a single-user database, 包括表格的设计, 查询, 形式, 报告, 和宏. 本课程面向个人数据库管理行业认证.

本课程培养学生的数据库设计和管理技能, providing the background for entry-level or trainee positions or enhancing an information technology professional’s versatility and career advancement potential. 课程将强调数据库设计原则, 结构化查询语言, 并且数据库管理使用各种流行的数据库管理系统.


本课程培养学生的编程技能, 当与学位结合使用时, provide the background for entry-level or trainee positions or enhance an information technology professional’s versatility and career advancement potential.

因为Java是为因特网设计的, it has been a popular choice for writing programs that are platform-independent and safe. Java在网络编程和网络开发中仍然很流行. 最近, object-oriented features in the language have made Java a competitive option for writing stand-alone applications. 在本证书的课程范围内 you will learn the latest in software 设计 and development methodologies while gaining hands-on experience with the latest versions of Java.


This program prepares students with programming skills to 设计 and develop 网络 pages with dynamically generated content. This program will also provide the background for entry-level or trainee positions or enhance an information technology professional’s versatility and career advancement potential.

This program is 设计ed for the experienced computer user who has strong skills in Microsoft Windows navigation and computer applications packages. Students who are interested in beginning a career in 网络site development and who do not possess these prerequisite skills should meet with the department chair or coordinator to plan appropriate course selection.


这个程序提供初级桌面出版的技能发展. 学生使用软件,如微软出版商, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, 和adobein设计. This program is 设计ed for the experienced computer user who possesses strong skills in Microsoft Windows navigation and computer application packages. It is appropriate for students who have earned a degree previously or who can prove substantial work experience. Students who are interested in beginning a career in graphics or desktop publishing and do not possess these prerequisite skills should meet with the department chair or program coordinator to plan appropriate course selections.

This program prepares students for entry-level positions in desktop support for PC applications. Students acquire hardware and software knowledge and customer service skills necessary to troubleshoot and resolve basic PC and applications problems. They may provide assistance concerning the use of computer hardware and software including printing, 安装硬件和软件, 应用程序, 电子邮件, 以及操作系统.

本课程为学生在多媒体设计领域的工作做准备. 学生将接受数字媒体方面的培训, 设计, 视觉效果和动态图形, 动画, 生产发展, 生产, 以及通信和信息技术. 学生将学习制作、编辑和布局设计. Jobs in multimedia 设计 can be found in career fields such as television or film 生产, 动画, 音频生产, 布景设计, 以及其他几个多媒体和生产设计领域.

程序先决条件:键盘技能40净字每分钟触摸. 需要达到此技能水平的学生必须参加OSA-100键盘 & 基本格式(3学时).


c#程序员证书1466计算机信息 & 办公技术
图形和桌面出版证书1312计算机信息 & 办公技术
服务台专家证书1311计算机信息 & 办公技术
Java程序员证书1458计算机信息 & 办公技术
计算机信息系统A.A.S.1206计算机信息 & 办公技术
多媒体设计师证书1342计算机信息 & 办公技术
PHP程序员证书1344计算机信息 & 办公技术
编程技能证书1382计算机信息 & 办公技术
小型数据库管理员证书1380计算机信息 & 办公技术
软件开发人员证书1305计算机信息 & 办公技术
网站设计师证书1434计算机信息 & 办公技术
网站开发人员证书1433计算机信息 & 办公技术




康纳·帕里什(橡树草坪), shared his educational journey while on a panel for the Illinois Project Lead the Way meeting.


